M. L. Puri - The reminiscences
Ramesh Tandon [Colleague]
Some thoughts synonymous with Mr Puri
Mr Puri entered railway service as an apprentice mechanic and then graduated to a special class apprentice.
He was UNIQUE and an ICON at Jamalpur. Every one said “ BE LIKE HIM”
The icon status could be attributed to –
Being a perfectionist in any thing he did to the last detail.
He had worked on every type of machine and every type of job in the workshop and pushed himself to produce the same job better and in larger quantities. This gave him the knowledge of how the worker feels and gained him the respect of all.
He was ACUTELY METHODICAL and DETAILED and would jot down the method to the last detail.
He never lost his cool at work, was always patient. His aim was to help, find out the problem and find a solution.
If he had a job to do, you could not divert his mind till the task was completed. He would look at an assignment from ALL angles . He expected the same approach from others.
A great leader because he lead by example and knew his subject to the “T”
Honest to the point of being “brutally blunt”.
Other reminiscences: