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M. L. Puri - The reminiscences

Om Prakash Puri [Brother]



1. On my father’s death in 1929, at barely about 11years of age, ML took charge of the family with our virtuous mother (but shattered and of poor health), younger brothers of 2 (i.e. me), 4, 6 & sister of 8 yrs, with the only source of income being meager savings of our father and no other earning member in the family. His strength of character, total dedication and his rare qualities were instrumental in shaping the family. I personally owe my own development primarily to him. .For me, he remains to be my role model and source of inspiration, though it has not been possible for me to match his standards. He was very fortunate in getting a gifted life partner who was very complimentary and supportive to his style of living.

2. Looking back, at best, I can summarize his personality as under:

• A strong disciplinarian, clear headed, and of firm determination,

• Highest integrity. Totally non compromising on principles even at the cost of worldly gains

• Very logical, analytical and thorough in his approach. Would approach all problems from fundamentals, not only in profession, but also in attacking life problems. Even for his diabetic problem he himself proved to be an authority.

• Person of precision – in all fields. – in thoughts & deeds. Would like to attack all problems from fundamentals.

• Power of concentration. – His common approach was “Only one thing at a time”. This was applied equally in all situations (even at the dining table) and enabled him to devote full concentration to whatever he applied his mind.

• Very strong minded. Straight line thinker. Straight talk- at times uncomfortably blunt. Hated hypocrisy in any form. Wouldn’t dissipate energy on matters on which his views were not respected. His common advice was “Don’t start pouring metal if the mould is not ready” - meaning first assess the receptivity of other person before pouring your advice /opinion.

• Conserve physical energy and avoid waste of effort in any situation. This was key in my training under him, whether on a work bench (posture for standing and handling of tools), or in every day life. By nature he would plan every action in advance – even while at the dining table or taking a bath.

• Exceptional memory- could recall exact dates without effort.

• Very Methodical & Practical – even in day to day life

• Loved working with his own hands and excelled in quality and concept. First started and excelled in fretwork as a hobby well before joining the railways. He created some excellent models for presentation to others... His selection of tools and their maintenance was exemplary and would not tolerate any wrongful use – where I was at times at the receiving end.

• His most valued possession was his engineering books, notes and his tools, which he preserved till the end. While returning from Germany, his total luggage consisted mainly of his books, while others would concentrate on luxury goods which at that time was the crave

• Deep regard and respect for those who worked for him whether in office or at home.

3. Very rarely did he recite poetry, but one couplet he sometimes recited to me touched me greatly:

“ mita de apni hasty ko agar too martaba chahe – ke dana khak me mil kar gule gulzar hota hai”

Roughly meaning:

“You have to sacrifice your identity/ego if you wish to attain salvation, just as a seed buries itself in earth to provide the beauty and fragrance of flowers to others.”

And this fitted well into his philosophy of life and his living style




Other reminiscences:









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